Reason to Smile

23 Jan

SMILE-You Are Somebodys Reason to SMILE

I heard a great smile story last week.

The residents of Boston, the fifth largest city in the United States, were feeling a lack of connection with each other. Although that is somewhat typical in large cities, the Samaritans (a nonprofit organization, whose “purpose is to alleviate despair, isolation, distress and suicidal feelings among individuals in the community” through a 24 hour helpline) were hoping to change it. They planned the Happier Boston campaign.

Orange You Happy was part of that campaign. It was organized to bring smiles to Bostonians’ faces. And by all reports, it was tremendously successful.

Samaritan volunteers greeted morning rush hour commuters with oranges, smiles and greetings, such as “Happy Friday!” and “It’s almost the weekend!” Nearly all of the commuters smiled back and accepted the oranges. Some took photos with their cell phones. Some juggled their orange playfully before tucking it away. Many openly acknowledged the unexpected encounter made their day.

The Boston Globe reported that the volunteers had a similar uplifting response:

 “Maggie, a graduate student in social work at Boston University and Samaritans intern, was beaming as the hour of greeting ended. ‘It’s the perfect way to start the day,’ she said. ‘I feel happier. I’m going to carry it on to the office.’”

I can’t wait to hear YOUR smile stories!

Keep smiling…and give someone else a reason to smile!

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