My Last Hurrah – Liebster Awards and Hug Award

21 Mar


For a long time, I have contemplated whether I would continue participating in the blog award process.

Why would I continue?

  1. I am deeply touched by the kind words of those who have nominated me. And I want them to know how much I appreciate their acknowledgement.
  2. The process has brought new bloggers to Healthy A-Z. Some have become favorite online friends. Who doesn’t appreciate that opportunity?!?!
  3. I am often inspired by the other blogs that are nominated. I visit multiple posts on their great blogs and sometimes leave comments. Some of these blogs are now in my WordPress Reader, so I can continue to enjoy their creativity and sharing. And some of these bloggers have also become online friends.
  4. I know most bloggers would love to have additional visitors and connect with more people online. Many of them are truly gifted bloggers, too. Nominating blogs for awards seems like a great way to acknowledge others’ great efforts, as well as to help point people toward their blogs.

So then, why would I discontinue?

  1. It can be time-consuming to follow all of the award “Rules.” Answering (and for you, reading) so many questions about me can feel awkward. Plus, sometimes I can really ponder the simplest questions. (I still don’t know what my favorite color is…or my favorite food! I guess I like variety.)
  2. It can be very difficult deciding which blogs to nominate for an award. Those not nominated are also really great blogs.
  3. The process of having some bloggers selected for awards, while others are omitted, isn’t so comfortable for me. I want everyone to be appreciated!
  4. I can still visit and leave comments on the blogs others nominate.

I have been extremely blessed from receiving these awards and participating in the process, but now I feel it is time to retire…and allow others the opportunity to be awarded.

To those who have nominated Healthy A-Z for all of these beautiful awards, thank you for your kindness! To all of you who have had to read more than you want about me, thank you for your patience! I so appreciate you all!!


My Last Hurrah…

For the last awards I received, I have chosen a hybrid way to respond. I won’t be following the “Rules.” The child in me really likes that! 🙂  I won’t be passing the awards forward, telling you 11 things about myself or answering any questions. However, I do want to acknowledge the really great bloggers who have nominated me.  So, here they are.

Strong by Choice of Rise and Transform and Mimi of Mimi’s Getting Fit each nominated Healthy A-Z for a Liebster Award. They told me Liebster is German and means “sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.”  How cool is that?

Are you needing a little workout motivation or encouragement? They have both found their way to great successes. Strong by Choice is entertaining and has a great sense of humor and Mimi has quite simply touched my heart. Visit their blogs and be inspired to be healthy!

Tiny of Tiny Lessons Blog has nominated Healthy A-Z for the prestigious HUG Award©. Wow, read this:

The HUG Award© was initiated by Connie Wayne at, which promotes hope, love, peace, equality, and unity for all people. The HUG Award© is for people with an expectant desire for the world, for which they: Hope for Love; Hope for Freedom; Hope for Peace; Hope for Equality; Hope for Unity; Hope for Joy and Happiness; Hope for Compassion and Mercy; Hope for Faith; Hope for Wholeness and Wellness; Hope for Prosperity; Hope for Ecological Preservation; Hope for Oneness.

The HUG Award© recognizes and honors those who help keep hope alive in our current world, which is plagued by war, natural disasters, and economic recession.  They nurture hope, in any of the above areas (in italics), by the work they do, or in their personal lives with things such as blogging, public speaking, charity work, etc.

I can’t help but want to be part of that! I love the beautiful photos, poems and stories from adventures around the world that Tiny shares on her blog. There’s lots of hope there. And that makes it a really great place for you to visit, too!

Thank you so very much Strong by Choice, Mimi and Tiny!

12 Responses to “My Last Hurrah – Liebster Awards and Hug Award”

  1. Live Love Be Green March 21, 2013 at 9:21 am #

    Congratulations on your new awards, Cyndi.

    I too feel pulled as far as these awards are concerned. I feel bad not having responded and accepted the awards paid forward to me. Not because I am ungrateful…I really appreciate that someone has enjoyed my blog enough to share it with others and feel it is worthy of recognition, but for similar reasons to your own.

    You truly deserve all the kudos and attention you are (and have) received. You shine your Light brightly for all to enjoy. Thank you for being You.

    • Healthy A-Z March 21, 2013 at 9:27 am #

      I’m glad you understand the dilemma. All resolutions are great, but this is what felt right for me. And thank you for the love. “Thank you for being You” is the best compliment ever!! Makes my day!!

  2. teresasdreams March 21, 2013 at 9:44 am #

    I have been dealing with the same dilemma! While I am extremely honored for each award, I just don’t have time to respond and reciprocate. For me, it came down to the reasons I blog. While I would love tons of followers, for me it’s much more personal. I blog to vent, celebrate successes, motivate myself (and I suppose others as I gain followers)…basically to work on ME.

  3. inspire1life March 21, 2013 at 9:47 am #

    Congratulations Cyndi on your awards and the success of your blog. I understand your dilemma. I have not had the time to respond to the last few awards and that weighs on my mind, as I truly appreciate every one of them. You have gracefully expressed your appreciation and intention moving forward.

    • Healthy A-Z March 21, 2013 at 10:13 am #

      Thank you, Angela! This was simply my personal way to lighten the weight I was feeling.Lighter is definitely better.

  4. Strong By Choice March 21, 2013 at 1:18 pm #

    Aw, thank you so much, Lady Cyndi! I am SOOOOOOO humbled by your sweet comments! Praise the Lord that I can be a blessing to you and thank you for being a regular. 🙂

  5. Alan Freedman March 21, 2013 at 9:18 pm #

    Dearest Cyndi: The rationale for this decision is totally understandable. We can be in a season of life where our plates virtually runneth over as to our time commitments. That said, I deeply appreciated you before you became involved with the awards (or I didn’t know you were involved) and I’ll deeply appreciate you post awards. Big hug comin your way hon right now! Did you catch it?

    • Healthy A-Z March 22, 2013 at 8:43 am #

      Loving the virtual hugs. Thanks for being so supportive, Alan. I appreciate YOU!!

  6. Patricia Awapara April 16, 2013 at 6:36 am #

    Cindy, I understand how you feel. It is lovely to get awards and give them as well. It is hard to make the decision, which I also made a few months ago. I also placed a statement the right top of the page hoping people will read it and understand.

    • Healthy A-Z April 16, 2013 at 11:40 am #

      I saw your statement, so its visibility is good. I think most participants understand after going through the process a few times. Sending a hug…

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